Indian internet sector humiliates single woman domain investors, falsely claiming that sex service providers own their domains

Google continues to pamper and reward panaji school dropout sex service provider cbi employee housewife naina chandan
The indian government is paying a monthly salary to the google tata sponsored panaji school dropout sex service provider cbi employee housewife naina chandan who looks like actresss sneha wagh. her lazy fraud sons nikhil, karan, only because of the sex services she offers top ntro/raw employees like nikhil sha, tushar parekh, parmar and her fraud husband pran offers cash bribes to top officials in panaji, goa .The kolhapur born panaji sex queen naina has no online income, and does not invest any money in domains at all.
In most industry sectors like engineering, the largest companies do not falsely claim that sex service providers, who offer sex services to top officials, are investors, having an engineering income, only in the indian internet sector, sundar pichai led google continues to make fake claims about the kolhapur born SCHOOL DROPOUT SEX SERVICE PROVIDER naina chandan, falsely claiming that the shameless lazy greedy panji SEX queen naina chandan, who does not pay for any domain, owns the domains of a single woman engineer

Google’s favorite panaji school dropout naina chandan, has a balding bespectacled husband pran who has plenty of black money, so she can keep her house in perfect condition, drive cars, and also offer CASH BRIBES to all the liar top officials unlike the real domain investor, who is being harassed by the BRIBE TAKING LIAR security and intelligence agency employees in panaji, goa and cannot repair her house

Instead of helping the single woman domain investor, sundar pichai led google, along with tata, are showing their complete lack of ethics and humanity, supporting the panaji sex queen naina, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil in their domain ownership fraud, refusing to question the goa government why they are making fake claims about a school dropout who has never invested any money in domains, who has got fake references from ntro/raw employees only because of her SEX SERVICES which these liar ntro/raw employees enjoy

This is a fraud alert so that people are aware that google, tata are completely devoid of ethics, honesty and humanity making fake claims about sex service providers and other frauds

Goa government continues to make FAKE CLAIMS about the panaji sex queen school dropout housewife naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil

In a clear example of goa government FINANCIAL FRAUD and discrimination, the Goa government continues to make FAKE CLAIMS about the panaji sex queen school dropout housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil because the top indian government employees nikhil sha, parmar, tushar parekh, are addicted to sex with naina, and naina ‘s bespectacled balding husband pran offers massive CASH bribes to top intelligence and security agency employees from his massive black money stash to get three members of the panaji gujju fraudster family raw/cbi salaries at the expense of the real domain investor
The panaji sex queen school dropout housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil have no online income at all since they do not do any computer work for clients, and also do not invest any money in domains , yet because fraud raw/ntro employees are making fake claims about their sex queen naina, her sons, and top officials are getting bribes, the goa government is making FAKE CLAIMS, exploiting and discriminating against the real domain investor, a single woman engineer.
The officials getting bribes are closely monitoring the domain investor and defaming her so that their bribery racket is not exposed, yet bank details, income tax returns will expose the goa government domain, financial fraud for the last ten years.

Indian government refuses to question its LIAR SEX BRIBE TAKING employees why they are making FAKE CLAIMS about goan call girl raw employees sunaina, siddhi who do not pay for any domain for the last ten years.

Powerful fraud top Indian government employees make 100% FAKE CLAIMS about goan CALL GIRL RAW employes siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan after having SEX with them
Though the SHAMELESS LIAR indian and goan government continue to falsely claim that goan CALL GIRL RAW employes siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan who do not pay for any domain are domain investors, intelligence and security agencies worldwide are aware of the fact that raw/cbi employees do not own or do not CONTROL any domain name since there are explicit DISCLAIMERS posted on almost all the websites by the real domain investor
Google, tata have continued with their SEX racket since 2010, with Powerful fraud top Indian government employees make 100% FAKE CLAIMS about goan CALL GIRL RAW employes siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan after having SEX with them, duping people, companies and countries that the sex service providers, who do not pay for domains, own the domains of a single woman engineer, domain investor,
The indian and goan government is only hounding the single woman engineer who is legally paying for the domains for the last ten years since 2010, it does not have the honesty and humanity to question the FRAUD top indian security and intelligence, ntro, raw, cbi employees why they are falsely claiming that goan call girls, who do not pay for domain names, are domain investors

Doctors are paid well for their advice, indian government allows its well paid ROBBER employees to RUTHLESSLY ROB single woman engineer for TEN YEARS without any legal reason

single women domain investors are like other investors, professionals who have invested a lot of time and money to gain expertise in domain names, each domain renewal is costing the woman domain investor Rs 1000 annually.
all other professionals like doctors are paid Rs 600-1000 for a single consultation. On the single women domain investors like the domain investor owning this website have their MEMORY ROBBED by well paid ROBBER ntro employees without a legally valid reason for the last ten years,.

indicating the complete lack of controls or regulation in ntro to prevent abuse of power, misuse of equipment Million dollar brainwave reading equipment MISUSED for TRADE SECRET ROBBERY for ten years by ROBBER LIAR ntro employees led by j srinivasan, mhow cheater puneet to increase google, tata profit so that these companies did not have to pay business expenses, salaries to the single woman engineer and also avoiding paying for the sex, money bribes their stooges in raw/cbi like siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan, indore robber deepika offered to top government employees
R&AW/cbi are also aware that its lazy greedy LIAR employees like 2005 bbm bengaluru brahmin CHEATER housewife nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak caro, naina chandan are only cooking, housekeeping, they are not doing any computer work, yet R&AW/cbi are openly involved in a massive BANKING, FINANCIAL FRAUD falsely claiming that their lazy fraud employees, with no paypal income, own the paypal, bank account of domain investor
There are millions of domains expiring every year, ntro, google, tata are least interested in registering the domains paying the registration and renewal fees to domain registrar, registry from their MILLION DOLLAR PROFITS then only BRIBE the RUTHLESS ROBBER NTRO employees with SEX, MONEY to ROB the memory, trade secrets of a harmless single woman engineer for ten years without a legally valid reason who has less than 500 domains
there are many male domain investors in india with more than 500 domains in india, the RUTHLESS ROBBER ntro employees are only targetting single woman domain investors because they enjoy free LIFETIME SEX with google, tata supplied goan call girls sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar
The single woman engineer had a much better 1989 jee rank than the google ceo sundar pichai, yet due to the ROBBERY by the animal like sex maniac ntro employees led by j srinivasan, her income is less than $300 monthly , while sundar pichai makes millions of dollars in salaries, bonus, using the ROBBED MEMORY of the single woman engineer, donated to google by the robber ntro employees
Additionally the domain investor is denied her fundamental rights like the right to privacy and right to a life of dignity when the robber ntro, security agency employees rob her memory illegally and broadcast it worldwide. Big boss contestants are paid Rs 6 lakh weekly for loss of privacy. The domain investor is asking the state and indian government repeatedly to get a court order , yet the ROBBER indian government refuses to do so

indian government pays monthly raw/cbi salary to fraudster gujju brothers nikhil, karan, for FALSELY CLAIMING to own the bank account of a single woman engineer

Indicating the poor status of educated women, indian government falsely claims panaji gujju fraudster brothers nikhil, karan, with no online income, own paypal, account of single woman engineer, to pay fraudster brothers monthly raw/cbi salary at expense of engineer

These fraud LIAR panaji security agencies are taking massive CASH BRIBES from the cheater husband of panaji’ top gujju sex service provider naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh and falsely claim that panaji sex queen naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons nikhil, karan who do no computer work,do not invest any money in domains, own the paypal, bank account of the domain investor to get the panaji gujju SEX QUEEN naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons bearded nikhil, karan, a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the real domain investor who the SHAMELESS LIAR gujju panaji fraudster family HATE, CRIMINALLY DEFAME

R&AW/cbi/ntro are the most dishonest and shameless LIAR intelligence agencies in the world, blindly believing the complete lies of the SHAMELESS LIAR gujju panaji fraudster family of SEX QUEEN naina chandan who do not pay or control any domain, yet falsely claim to own them to get monthly raw/cbi salaries at the expense of the real domain investor for more than 7 years in a massive BANKING, ON .

NTRO has been hounding the real domain investor, a single woman engineer for ten years falsely claiming that they are worried about honesty, not a single person has the courage or humanity to ask shamelesss young panaji gujju fraudster raw/cbi employees bearded nikhil, karan about their domain ownership, banking fraud for the last 7 years,why the section 420 fraud gujju brothers karan, nikhil are making FAKE CLAIMS about owning the bank account of a single woman engineer to get a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the engineer

when their LAZY GREEDY LIAR FRAUD employees nikhil, karan, are not on talking terms with the domain investor, are not doing any computer work, are not hiring anyone, why R&AW/cbi not honest that karan, nikhil are paid government salaries only for the SEX SERVICES provided by their school dropout mother naina chandan which top raw employees like tushar parekh cannot live without
It is time that the indian and goan government is honest about the sex services of naina chandan, and the real reason why she and her sons are getting monthly government salaries instead of defaming the real domain investor.

for ROBBING their engineering classmates documents BRAHMIN FRAUD LIAR NTRO employees get bespectacled indore ROBBER housewife deepika R&AW job with FAKE RESUME, SAVINGS

Another example of the endless frauds of the indian and madhya pradesh government is how it is falsely claiming that bespectacled indore ROBBER housewife deepika, who never answered JEE, never worked as a engineer, has the resume, savings of the goa 1989 jee topper, her relative who the ruthless indore robber housewife deepika robbed
the liar indian, madhya pradesh, government, are repeating the LIES of another fraud from madhya pradesh, the mhow monster ntro employee puneet, director of a domlur company, who hated his btech 1993 ee classmate, the goa 1989 jee topper and to destroy her life, shamelessly FAKED his relationship, misused her name and falsely claimed that the indore housewife veena who never answered JEE, was his classmate to get the robber a monthly raw salary at the expense of his classmate who he hated and destroyed in a clear case of PROFESSIONAL MISCONDUCT
So for ROBBING their female engineering classmates documents BRAHMIN FRAUD LIAR NTRO employees led by mhow cheater puneet get bespectacled indore ROBBER housewife deepika R&AW job with FAKE RESUME, SAVINGS and are DUPING people, companies and countries with their lies, supported by google, tata

hence this is posted as a FRAUD ALERT so that countries, companies and people are not duped by the LIAR FRAUD indian, madhya pradesh government, ntro, raw, cbi who are CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the goa 1989 jee topper. Due to worsening status of educated women in India, the media and government refuses to even question the madhya pradesh government on its EDUCATIONAL, FINANCIAL FRAUD

Indian government blindly believes the LIES of FRAUD RAW/cbi employees who falsely claim to own paypal,bank account, domains of domain investor they HATE, CRIMINALLLY DEFAME amd are not on TALKING TERMS with

Indicating the lack of equality in india in 2020, and the lack of CREDIBILITY, HONESTY AND HUMANITY of the indian and state governments in goa, karnataka, madhya pradesh, haryana, maharashtra, gujarat, Indian government blindly believes the LIES of 13 lazy greedy LIAR google, tata sponsored call girl, robber, cheater FRAUD RAW/cbi employees who falsely claim to own paypal,bank account, domains of domain investor they HATE, CRIMINALLLY DEFAME amd are not on TALKING TERMS with, to waste taxpayer money paying all these frauds a monthly government salary at the expense of the domain investor.
usually no one falsely claims to own the bank account of a person they HATE and are not on talking terms with, only google, tata have made this BANKING FRAUD possible in the indian internet sector
Intelligence and security agencies worldwide realize that the raw/cbi employees do not pay for and do not control any of the domains, indian government is telling LIES, yet top ntro, raw, cbi, security agency employees are some of the most SHAMELESS LIARS in the world , do not think that they look foolish and lack credibility when they make FAKE CLAIMS of domain ownership
The liar indian security agencies are always defaming the domain investor talking about TRUST, yet they do not realize that few people trust them after their extremely brazen domain ownership fraud.

Indian government denies harmless goa 1989 jee topper the right to equality, ILLEGALLY ROBBING her MEMORY, TRADE SECRETS without a court order

Bribed by the fraud companies google, tata the ROBBER indian government is only ROBBING, BROADCASTING the ROBBED MEMORY, TRADE SECRETS of the goan 1989 jee topper, a private citizen alone without a court order or legally valid reason, not the google, tata sponsored PROSTITUTE, ROBBER, CHEATER raw/cbi employees like shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan, naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, indore robber deepika, asmita patel, ruchika kinge, in a clear case of human rights abuses, government FRAUD since 2010.

The RUTHLESS ROBBER indian government is ruthlessly exploiting, ROBBING the goa 1989 jee topper alone mainly because she comes from the bhandari community in karwar/kumta which is comparatively poor and has few people holding any important government jobs, so there is no one to defend the honest hardworking single woman engineer when SHAMELESS LIAR FRAUD brahmin, bania and goan bhandari officials led by the fraudster pritesh chodankar are CRIMINALLY DEFAMING her, making 100% FAKE ALLEGATIONS without any kind of proof
Indicating the rampant fraud in the indian IT and internet sector, Goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan, her relatives like sister, cousin teji and associates have no computers at all in their home and are least interested in doing computer work, yet the indian and goan government, FRAUD LIAR goan bhandari officials led by pritesh chodankar continue to make FAKE CLAIMS about computer work for ten years to get sunaina a monthly raw salary and great powers \

The goan bhandari officials led by pritesh chodankar are ruthless in CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the real domain investor, who is spending 8-10 hours daily doing computer work and a lot of money on computer hardware so that the world famous goan bhandari panaji PROSTITUTE raw employee sunaina chodan can ROB all the correspondence of the engineer, domain investor, isolating the engineer completely

india officially claims that all citizens have the right to equality , right to privacy and the right to a life of dignity, yet the RUTHLESS ROBBER indian government has denied the goa 1989 jee topper all these rights for the last ten years to increase the PROFIT of fraud companies like sundar pichai led google, tata which do not wish to pay business expenses and salaries only ROB TRADE SECRETS offering SEX, MONEY BRIBES to top indian government officials in the form of R&AW employees siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan, naina chandan,

Casteist karnataka government continues to repeat the LIES OF SOCIOPATH LIAR BRAHMIN ntro employees j srinivasan, puneet to get bengaluru BRAHMIN cheater housewife nayanshree raw salary at the expense of bhandari single woman engineer

karnataka government involved in massive FINANCIAL, EDUCATIONAL, ICANN FRAUD making FAKE CLAIMS about bengaluru shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar

Taking advantage of the poverty and lack of courage, power of the bhandari community in karwar/kumta for more than 7 years, allegedly bribed by the sundar pichai led google, tata, the karnataka, indian government, raw/cbi/ntro is openly involved in a massive FINANCIAL, EDUCATIONAL, ICANN FRAUD on the goa 1989 jee topper, a harmless single woman engineer, falsely claiming that bengaluru shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, 2005 bbm from bhandarkars college of arts and science, kundapura udupi, karnataka, has the btech 1993 ee degree, resume, savings, paypal, bank account of the engineer, to pay nayanshree hathwar a monthly R&AW salary at the expense of the engineer

the karnataka government is repeating the complete lies of other BRAHMIN SOCIOPATH LIAR ntro employee mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan, who are involved in the PROFESSIONAL MISCONDUCT of falsely claiming that nayanshree, their 2005 BBM bengaluru sugar baby, was their btech 1993 ee classmate to get her a monthly raw salary, because they HATE the goa 1989 jee topper, their real classmate and will do everything possible to destroy her life
The ntro employees have not contacted the engineer for any internet related matter anytime in her life and she is a stranger to them. Yet they continue to shamelessly MISUSE her name and give FAKE REFERENCES to nayanshree and other sugar babies like goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar.

The goa 1989 jee topper is complaining loudly about the MISUSE of her name by the ntro employees who HATE her, yet indicating the poor status of educated women, and the lack of clout of the bhandari community from karwar/kumta, the karnataka government refuses to end its FINANCIAL, EDUCATIONAL, ICANN FRAUD on the goa 1989 jee topper, falsely claiming that a shivalli brahmin bengaluru cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, who never answered JEE, has her resume, savings and paying nayanshree a monthly raw salary at the expense of the engineer.

The bhandari community from karwar/kumta lacks the courage and humanity to even question the LIAR shivalli brahmins why they are repeating the lies of brahmin cheater ntro employees who are involved in PROFESSIONAL MISCONDUCT. The intelligence and security agencies already have a large number of shivalli brahmin employees, why is the single woman bhandari engineer from karwar/kumta, not getting the opportunities she deserved and worked hard for, why is karnataka government repeating the LIES OF SOCIOPATH FRAUD BRAHMIN ntro employes j srinivasan, puneet who openly HATE the goa 1989 jee topper

This fraud of the shameless shivalli brahmin officials, community is a classic example of BRAHMIN ATROCITIES in india with almost no having the courage to question the LIAR FRAUD BRAHMIN officials in their fraud for the last ten years

Haryana, indian government, R&AW making up FAKE STORIES about LIAR karnal fraudster mba hr R&AW employee ruchika kinge in BANKING, ICANN FRAUD

indicating the terrible business conditions in India , Haryana, indian government, R&AW making up FAKE STORIES about karnal fraudster mba hr ruchika kinge in BANKING, ICANN FRAUD since 2010 to get her a monthly raw salary at the expense of the real domain investor
The google, tata sponsored WELL CONNECTED karnal fraudster mba hr ruchika kinge who is working in delhi/noida, is an employee of a american company xero in the hr department, she has no online income, since she is working as a well paid employee
Yet in a massive financial fraud since 2010, the haryana, indian government, R&AW are falsely claiming that the mba hr ruchika kinge , who has no clients outside india, owns the paypal, bank account of a single woman engineer, domain investor, who state government, raw, cbi, ntro, security agencies are CRIMINALLY DEFAMING in the worst possible manner, allegedly bribed by google, tata
The indian, haryana, state governments are repeating the lies of the mhow monster ntro employee puneet who HATES the real domain investor, his btech 1993 ee classmate, so to destroy her life is shamelessly MISUSING her name , falsely claiming to know her well, when he has not contacted her regarding any paypal account or domains anytime in her life
Initially the mhow cheater ntro employee puneet acted very well, that he was helping the domain investor, now in 2020, he is open about his hatred for the domain investor, Yet indicating the inefficiency of raw, ntro, cbi, security agencies and government, they continue to repeat his lies about the mba hr ruchika, while criminally defaming the real domain investor, though the engineer is protesting loudly
The domain investor was terrorised by mhow monster puneet and other SUGAR DADDIES of ruchika into paying her some money in 2011 after which puneet and ruchika’s SUGAR DADDIES robbed the retirement savings of the engineer. After the robbery of the domain investor’s savings, ruchika who had got a raw job by then by impersonating the domain investor, refused to talk to the engineer since her associates had ROBBED everything from the engineer

Yet R&AW, haryana , indian government continues with its great fraud of falsely claiming that the shameless LIAR GREEDY cia stooge R&AW employee mba hr ruchika kinge, with no online income and no domain expenses, owns the paypal, bank account, domains, of the engineer she looted and criminally defamed with the help of google, tata, ntro. The scammer R&AW employee ruchika kinge like other fraud raw/cbi employees faking domain ownership including nayanshree hathwar, naina chandan,sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, riddhi nayak caro is least interested in paying any money for the domains, doing work for the customers outside india or hiring anyone to do so, opening her own paypal, bank account legally

Only the real domain investor will own the domains and control them, yet the indian, haryana government, raw continues with its domain ownership fraud. The real domain investor, a private citizen is spending Rs 4 lakh annually for domain renewals and other expenses, yet the indian and state governments, raw, cbi, ntro, security agencies continue to CRIMINALLY DEFAME the engineer, and make fake claims about domain ownership in ICANN, FINANCIAL fraud for the last 10 years, and are also diverting the correspondence of the engineer, making it difficult to contact anyone.

Bank details, income tax returns will LEGALLY expose the government, ntro, raw, cbi security agency banking, icann fraud . When raw/cbi employees do not want to pay Rs 4 lakh annually for domains, why is the indian government, raw, cbi, ntro making fake claims of domain ownership, criminally defaming the real domain investor who is working 8-10 hours daily only to pay the domain renewalfees.