FAKE allegations of security threat of 5 state govermnments to ROB MEMORY, TRADE SECRETS of harmless goa 1989 JEE topper indicate poor status of women in India

one of worst cases of human rights abuses in India, confirming the poor status of educated single women in India, are the FAKE allegations of security threat of 5 state govermnments in India to ROB MEMORY, TRADE SECRETS of the harmless goa 1989 JEE topper for the last 10 years since 2010, without a legally valid reason or court order,.

In a fraud masterminded by the mhow monster BRAHMIN CHEATER LIAR NTRO employee puneet, director of a domlur, bengaluru company, ROBBER State governments making CRORES OF PROFIT , SELLING ROBBED MEMORY, TRADE SECRETS of harmless goa 1989 JEE topper for ten years to google, tata and other companies, falsely labelling her a security threat without any legally valid proof

The goa 1989 jee topper is a harmless private citizen who has not violated any law at all. yet 5 fraud state governments in madhya pradesh, goa, karnataka, haryana, maharashtra are falsely labelling her a security threat without any legally valid proof for the last 10 years since 2010, to ROB her MEMORY, TRADE SECRETS and sell the ROBBED TRADE SECRETS to greedy fraud corporates like google, tata which do not wish to pay salaries and business expenses

The goa 1989 jee topper had a better 1989 jee rank than the google ceo sundar pichai, who is making millions of dollars annually in salary, bonus, yet because the indian and state governments like the madhya pradesh government are ROBBING her MEMORY, TRADE SECRETS to sell them to fraud companies like google, tata, the goa 1989 jee topper is making almost no money despite working for 8-10 hours daily because the state government are SELLING her ROBBED TRADE SECRETS

Other businesses get paid for their TRADE SECRETS, the indian, state governments are ROBBING TRADE SECRETS of goa 1989 JEE topper without a legally valid reason for ten years making her work like a slave, while the officials stealing her TRADE SECRETS make crores annually selling these trade secrets to greedy fraud companies like google, tata which do not wish to pay salaries

Women engineers denied the right to equality with indian, goan government falsely claiming that their credit card belongs to SCHOOL DROPOUT gujju panaji housewives offering SEX SERVICES

Women engineers denied the right to equality with indian, goan government falsely claiming that their credit card belongs to SCHOOL DROPOUT gujju panaji housewives offering SEX SERVICES to government employees

the role model SCHOOL DROPOUT sex service provider of the indian and goan government cbi employee gujju housewife naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, has not applied for any sbi credit card in her life and does not pay any sbi credit card bill.
Yet indicating the lack of financial rights of educated women, especially in goa, india, the indian and goan government is making FAKE CLAIMS about the ownership of a SBI credit card based on the complete lies of the powerful fraud NTRO employees like nikhil sha, tushar parekh, parmar having regular SEX with naina and who HATE the engineer who legally owns the sbi credit card

At exactly 9.31 am on second january 2020, the domain investor received a phone call from SBI credit card , phone number 9111611645107 asking for naina, and claiming that it was a service call, This clearly exposes the extent of the FINANCIAL, BANKING, CREDIT CARD fraud of kolhapur born shameless panaji gujju sex queen SCHOOL DROPOUT housewife naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, who has never applied for a sbi card and does not pay for the credit card bill at all/.

However indicating the extreme DISHONESTY AND FRAUD of the shameless LIAR gujju ntro, RAW officials nikhil sha, parmar, tushar parekh and community, these fraud LIAR officials are putting a single woman engineer who they HATE, the btech 1993 ee classmate of some of these fraud raw officials under surveillance and falsely claiming that their favorite SEX SERVICE PROVIDER panaji gujju sex queen SCHOOL DROPOUT housewife naina chandan, who has never owned any credit card in her life, owns the credit card of the engineer

These gujju officials are extremely shameless ruthless frauds and are duping all the companies like SBI credit card, hathway with their fake stories of account ownership to get the school dropout naina chandan, a monthly cbi salary at the expense of the engineer who they have CRIMINALLY DEFAMED. The ntro, raw employees are defaming the engineer that all her complaints are her imagination, when there are many phone calls received which prove that she is telling the truth, hence this specific phone call is mentioned, which the goan, indian government can check with airtel

Now next time the domain investor gets a phone call asking for naina, she will have to explain that naina is a school dropout cbi employee who has sex with the most powerful men in india. These powerful men are then falsely claiming that the panaji gujju school dropout she is their engineering classmate, when naina chandan is only eighth standard pass, illegally married at 16 to get SEX PRACTICE.

The cbi employee naina chandan does not have any credit card, and she does not use the internet, she did not live in Mumbai, though the powerful ntro employees having sex with naina are making fake claims so that the indian government pays for the SEX with naina which they enjoy., so SBI cards, hathway should get their records corrected. All companies should be aware that there is a massive SEX RACKET in the indian internet sector and top officials falsely claim that their favorite SEX SERVICE PROVIDERS like naina who do not invest money in domains are domain investors while CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the real domain investor

The domain investor hopes that those who make a phone call, will tell others about the panaji gujju sex queen. The latest phone call from SBI credit cards, hathway or others asking for the gujju panaji sex queen naina chandan, again confirms the extent of the panaji, goa government BANKING, CREDIT CARD FRAUD due to which the goa government is facing a financial crisis

Just because top gujju officials have regular SEX with panaji SEX QUEEN cbi employee naina chandan, why is the goan, indian government falsely claiming that the top gujju SEX SERVICE PROVIDER owns domains, credit card of a single woman engineer who is a private citizen and not connected to goan, indian government’s favorite SEX SERVICE PROVIDER

companies, countries and people worldwide should know that naina is the name of India’s top gujju SEX SERVICE PROVIDER,a SCHOOL DROPOUT not engineer, domain investor

LIAR Indian government FALSELY CLAIMING that private citizen, goa 1989 jee topper has agreed to MEMORY ROBBERY, BROADCAST DUPING countries worldwide

Intelligence agencies, countries and companies worldwide should be aware CRUEL nazi like ROBBER indian government has made the life of harmless single woman engineer a reality show ILLEGALLY without her permission, without a court order

usually when a person is featured in big boss or any other reality show, where contestants lose their privacy, the contestants are paid for signing up also Rs 6 lakh or more weekly, only their physical activities are monitored, their thoughts remain private
Though raw/cbi/ntro/indian security agencies are FALSELY CLAIMING that the harmless single woman engineer, the 1989 goa jee topper, whose life the LIAR indian government has made a reality show has agreed to it, in reality the indian government has made her life a reality show ILLEGALLY without a court order, or legally valid reason, denying her the right to privacy for the last ten years

The intelligence agencies worldwide should be also aware that the harmless single woman engineer is also subjected to the most terrible human rights abuses without a legally valid reason for the last ten years, and is REPEATING THE LIES of the SOCIOPATH LIAR NTRO employees who falsely claim that she has agreed to it, when it can be legally proved that they have never contacted the engineer in their life or communicated with her

if any governments, intelligence and security agencies in the world has the humanity they should ask the ROBBER LIAR indian government when its ROBBER LIAR employees ever contacted the 1989 jee topper to take her permission for MEMORY ROBBERY and broadcasting the ROBBED MEMORY WORLDWIDE or a copy of the court order

When nazi committed atrocities on jews, it attracted outrage worldwide, it is time, that countries worldwide are aware that in 2019, the indian government is beating the nazis with its RUTHLESS ROBBERY of harmless single woman, without a legally valid reason

NTRO employees demanding retirement savings of single women for SEXUALLY HARASSING, DEFAMING, ROBBING the harmless woman

India has fallen from 108 to 112 position, in being one of the worst places in the world for women, mainly because the indian government is rewarding its employees for SEXUAL HARASSMENT, ROBBERY of educated single women, the ROBBER NTRO employees are also getting the retirement savings of the harmless women who they SEXUAL HARASS, TORTURE, DEFAME

People are participating in reality shows only after they agree to it, and Big boss is paying Rs 6 lakh weekly or more to each of the participants who lose their privacy for the period they are in the big boss house
on the other hand the indian government has allowed the SOCIOPATH LIAR director ntro employee puneet to make the life of his btech 1993 ee classmate, harmless single woman engineer who he HATED , a reality show for the last 10 years, without a legally valid reason without a COURT ORDER
the fraud ntro employee has also stolen her correspondence, TRADE SECRETS, MEMORY, resume, savings without her permission, without a legally valid reason for the last 10 years,
there are many domain investors all over india, no one robs their memory without a legally valid reason,
yet indicating the extreme SELFISHNESS, GREED, WORSENING status of educated women in India, the SOCIOPATH LIAR apostek director puneet joshi refuses to compensate the engineer for the human rights abuses for 10 years, instead the greeedy animal ntro employe puneet also wants the savings of his ROBBERY, FRAUD victim

The status of women in India has worsened, and is among the worst in the world, mainly because perverts, robbers and liars like puneet are not facing any kind of social and professional censure for their SEXUAL HARASSMENT, ROBBERY of harmless hardworking women

Goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina , her sister issuing death, violence threats in panaji considered role models by goan, indian government

After goan bhandari R&AW employee slim sunaina chodan, her sister threatens domain investor with death for speaking in domain investor’s house
People are free to speak anything they wish in their own house, they may be rehearsing a play or practising a speech. there is no reason why anyone else should be listening or take whatever is spoken personally.

It is well known among domain investors, that indian government employees have falsely claimed that call girls, sex service providers own her domains, trading SEX for power, the domain investor can provide proof from various forums. Even raw has agreed that some women are hired mainly for sex services. On forums government jobs were also mentioned.
Since the domain investor is cheated of Rs 4 lakh annually due to government fraud for the last 10 years, she is naturally upset like other victims of financial fraud, She is talking to the people she knows about the sex racket, trying to end it
Yet indicating the terrible law and order conditions in panaji, goa, on 7 december 2019, goan bhandari R&AW employee slim sunaina chodan’ sister threatened to kill the domain investor if she opened her mouth in the house which the domain investor legally owns
This is second threat received by the domain investor in panaji, goa, on march 28, 2019, goan bhandari R&AW employee slim sunaina chodan had threatened to bash the domain investor up again just for talking something in her own house.

The domain investor is a peaceful lawabiding citizen, she does not threaten anyone with violence like bashing up or killing anyone,. Yet in a clear case of discrimination, the indian and goan government is falsely labelling the harmless domain investor a security threat without any proof, while those who openly issue death threats and violence threats are pampered and rewarded by the goa, indian government, google, tata

in BRAHMIN ATROCITIES,Indian government continues to repeat LIES of SOCIOPATH LIAR BRAHMIN ntro employee j srinivasan making fake claims about nayanshree hathwar, sunaina chodan

In endless BRAHMIN ATROCITIES,Indian government continues to repeat LIES of SOCIOPATH LIAR BRAHMIN ntro employee j srinivasan making fake claims about bengaluru brahmin housewife nayanshree hathwar, 2005 bbm, goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan who never answered JEE, falsely claiming that they were his btech 1993 ee classmate, own the domains, paypal, BANK account of the engineer , to get them RAW jobs at the expense of his real btech 1993 ee classmate who he HATES

The fraud ntro employee j srinivasan is SHAMELESSLY MISUSING the name of his real btech 1993 ee classmate, a single woman engineer who he hates for the last 10 years and the engineer is protesting loudly against the MISUSE of her name, bank account by the fraud ntro employee j srinivasan . Yet the SOCIOPATH LIAR j srinivasan is completely devoid of humanity and honesty, so he is SHAMELESS and continues with his fraud, with the help of google, tata

Usually when a person will protest against the MISUSE of their name, like in the NCP MLA case in maharashtra in november 2019, people will listen to the person protesting and question the person who MISUSED the name. Yet in a clear case of BRAHMIN ATROCITIES and worsening status of educated women in India, the indian and state governments especially the goa, karnataka government are refusing to question j srinivasan, why he is MISUSING the name of his engineering classmate who he HATES and has never contacted anytime in his life.

The brahmin fraud SOCIOPATH LIAR NTRO employee j srinivasan is aware that his sugar babies nayanshree hathwar is only cooking, housekeeping , she is not doing any computer work at all, yet being an animal in human form , brahmin LIAR FRAUD j srinivasan refuses to admit his FRAUD and stop making fake claims about nayanshree hathwar, sunaina, who do not spend any money on domains, falsely claiming that they are domain investors, own this and other domains.

Indicating rampant BRAHMIN ATROCITIES, the indian government is also DUPING ICANN, domain registries, registrars, internet companies with its LIES and FRAUD , making fake claims about domain ownership, online, paypal account, though income tax returns, bank details will legally expose the fraud. When the real domain investor is protesting, in another example of BRAHMIN ATROCITIES, the officials are falsely claiming that she is damaging the reputation of india, when ntro employee j srinivasan is actually damaging the reputation of India with his endless FINANCIAL ONLINE FRAUDS on the domain investor

When his LAZY GREEDY FRAUD SUGAR BABIES R&AW employees nayanshree hathwar, goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, are not paying any money at all for domain names, can the indian and state government explain why they are DUPING ICANN, domain registrars, internet companies

why is no one asking sociopath LIAR ntro employee j srinivasan why he is making up FAKE STORIES about bengaluru cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar

The indian government has hounded the domain investor for 10 years since 2010 monitoring all her activities, yet in a clear indication of the worsening status of educated women in India no one is asking sociopath LIAR ntro employee j srinivasan why he is making up FAKE STORIES about bengaluru cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, falsely claiming that she is writing when bengaluru R&AW employee nayanshree hathwar is only COOKING, HOUSEKEEPING

The tamilian brahmin fraud j srinivasan is aware that his SUGAR BABY bengaluru R&AW employee nayanshree hathwar is only COOKING, HOUSEKEEPING yet in a clear case of ABUSE of power, he MISUSING the name of his btech 1993 ee classmate who he HATES to get his sugar baby nayanshree hathwar, a monthly raw salary at the expense of the real writer who he hates

when will j srinivasan end his lies about nayanshree hathwar and stop DUPING the government, people, companies and countries , why are people not questioning j srinivasan, why is hardworking writer only hounded by the indian and state government

Indian government openly discriminates against female domain investor, committing FINANCIAL FRAUD on her

Indicating the terrible status of hardworking women the Indian government openly discriminates against female domain investor, committing FINANCIAL FRAUD on her for 10 years. The best lawyers, doctors and other professionals in India are making a lot of money because they are the best in the field, they have worked hard to improve their skills, and work regularly

Daniel webar (iwriter account 136312) from odissa is a top writer and he is making a lot of money writing, the oddissa government does not label him a security threat without any proof, they acknowledge his skills and hard work. Writing is very tedious work, writers have to spend all their time writing in front of their computer and have very less free time for other activities

Though the indian and state governments in goa, karnataka, madhya pradesh, maharashtra and haryana have been involved in a massive WRITING, ONLINE FRAUD for the last 10 years, making fake claims about the paypal, bank account of the domain investor for the last 10 years, the photo on the iwriter account 137870 of the domain investor, proves that she is also a very prolific writer like daniel webar and her income is legal

Can the goa, karnataka, madhya pradesh and haryana government explain why the odissa government does not falsely label daniel webar as a security threat, why the domain investor alone is labelled a security threat without any proof at all for the last 10 years ?

allegedly BRIBED by sundar pichai led google, tata the indian government is openly involved in worlds greatest ONLINE, DOMAIN, FINANCIAL FRAUD falsely claiming that google, tata sponsored goan CALL GIRLS, cheater housewives, school dropouts, robbers and other frauds raw/cbi employees who do not spend any money on domains, do not spend any time writing own her paypal, bank account duping internet companies, domain registrars, registries and ICANN in the process

Indian and goan government takes BRIBES to make FAKE CLAIMS about the accounts of women writers

Fraud on iwriter account 137870 shows the terrible plight, indian government fraud on hardworking educated women in India, especially goan government
On iwriter, daniel webar from odissa has iwriter account 136312, the state and indian government does not falsely claim that the account belongs to others especially school dropout, cheater, robber housewives, call girls, gigolos,shameless lazy liar gujju liars and fraudsters

On the other hand, the single woman domain investor, in panaji , goa with iwriter account 137870 is subjected to massive FRAUD, CRIMINAL DEFAMATION by the indian and state government, especially goan government which falsely claims that falsely claim that the account belongs to BRIBE GIVING school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, cheater, robber housewives like nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak caro, indore housewife deepika, ruchika kinge, call girls like sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar and other fraud raw/cbi employees who are not doing any writing work at all,

In odissa, the government has used bank details to verify te ownership of the paypal, iwriter account, on the other hand, the goa government is openly involved in massive fraud on the writer with iwriter account 137870 , making fake claims about ownership of the account after taking massive BRIBES to get the BRIBE GIVERS and relatives of the corrupt goan officials like nayak, caro, mandrekar, hathwar, kodancha, pritesh chodankar raw/cbi jobs at the expense of the real writer who is criminally defamed in the worst possible manner.

The writer is protesting loudly against the goa government fraud, yet because she is a woman, the indian and goan government refuses to acknowledge her financial rights and falsely claims that the account belongs to the lazy fraud relatives of goa government employees and other BRIBE GIVERS like the panaji, gujju family of naina chandan to get all these frauds a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the real writer. Tired of exploitation the writer included a photo in the account, yet the goa government refuses to end its fraud on the writer.

The writer is tortured in the worst possible manner, not allowed to sleep at night, victim of crimes like criminal trespassing, burglary, real estate, banking fraud indicating rampant corruption, nepotism and government fraud in goa

In a population of 1.3 billion, only google competitor targetted for MEMORY ROBBERY by the indian government without a court order for 10 years

In one of the worst cases of human rights abuses in the world since nazi atrocities on jews and NEPOTISM, the indian government is allowing its ROBBER LIAR employees to ROB the memory of a harmless hardworking engineer,google competitor without a legally valid reason and have it copy pasted on the brain of their associates to get a monthly raw/cbi salary without doing any work, without investing any money at the expense of the engineer

The indian government ROBBERY of a harmless citizen started in 2010, and the ROBBER indian government refuses to get a court order to justify its ROBBERY of a harmless private citizen, why its ROBBER employees only want to ROB the memory of the engineer alone, why the ROBBER indian government is not ROBBING the memory, trade secrets of the other 1.3 billion citizens residing in India MAKING IT A CLEAR CASE OF DISCRIMINATION

The ROBBER indian government is then COPY PASTING the ROBBED MEMORY of the domain investor on the brains of the Relatives, friends and associates of government employees, and falsely claiming that the memory belongs to them to pay all these frauds monthly raw/cbi salaries without spending any money on domains, duping domain registries, registrars and ICANN in the process in a case of government fraud
The memory robbery and copy pasting fraud exposes the lack of humanity and honesty in the indian government which is responsible for many of the problems faced in India at present