Indian government refuses to justify why only google competitor is targetted for ILLEGAL MEMORY, TRADE SECRET ROBBERY for 10 years, when india has a population of 1.3 billion

Why is the indian government only ROBBING the MEMORY, TRADE SECRETS of google competitor without a legally valid reason for 10 years
In one of the worst cases of human rights abuses since nazi atrocities on jews, the indian government is RUTHLESSLY ROBBING the MEMORY, TRADE SECRETS of a harmless google competitor, single woman engineer without a LEGALLY VALID REASON for the last 10 years and falsely claiming that the ROBBED MEMORY belongs to the call girls, robbers and cheater raw/cbi employees

The criminal indian government has REFUSED TO GET A COURT ORDER to explain why it is only ROBBING the MEMORY of a private citizen, single woman engineer only without her permission, without offering any kind of compensation to her for the great LOSSES she suffers due to indian government TRADE SECRET THEFT
India has a population of more than 1.3 billion, the engineer would like to ask the government why they are ROBBING her memory alone, without a legally valid reason, why the government is not ROBBING the memory of other citizens
when tcs tried to emulate the indian government and commit a similar TRADE SECRET THEFT in the united states it was asked to pay $400 million in fines in the epic systems case
When the domain investor, engineer is asking the government why it is not getting a LEGAL ORDER for MEMORY ROBBERY, no official is replying, yet the MEMORY, TRADE SECRET THEFT continues

It is hoped that the people worldwide are aware that the indian government is worse than nazi germany in atrocities on harmless citizens, targetting them for ILLEGAL MEMORY, TRADE SECRET ROBBERY, which is one of reasons for recession in India, since the indian government ROBBERY victims are no longer motivated to take RISKS, work hard after the government fraud.

When Goan bhandari R&AW employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan prefers to purchase samsung refrigerator instead of domains, why is the indian,goan governmentt end its domain fraud

Goan bhandari R&AW employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, refuses to pay for domains, purchases samsung refrigerator, yet indian, goan government falsely claims that the panaji prostitute is a domain investor, DISCRIMINATING against the real domain investor who is actually paying for the domains

Worldwide in all countries other india, only the person who is legally paying for domains, the annual renewal expenses of approximately Rs 1000 each is considered a domain investor by the government
Only in India, allegedly bribed by google, tata who do not want to pay for SEX, MONEY BRIBES from their million dollar profits, the indian government is falsely claiming that all those who offer sex, money bribes, career help to LIAR FRAUD NTRO employees like Goan bhandari R&AW employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan and other raw/cbi employees , and does not spend any money on domains, owns the domains of a private citizen who the NTRO employees hate

In particular the indian and goan government, google, tata PIMPS have been promoting the Goan bhandari R&AW employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan offering sex services to ntro employees as a domain investor though they are aware of the fact the VVIP panaji prostitute sunaina is not paying any money for domains, only to CRIMINALLY DEFAME, CHEAT AND EXPLOIT, rob the real domain investor, a single woman engineer

For the last 7-8 years the correspondence of the engineer, domain investor is diverted and robbed by the Goan bhandari R&AW employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan since the LIAR goan government falsely claims that sunaina, its favorite prostitute owns domains, though she cannot provide and the goan, indian government cannot provide any proof of payment for domains by the panaji call girl sunaina in her income tax returns

In the last 7-8 years,the fraud sugar daddies of sunaina, mhow cheater puneet,j srinivasan, and pimps have got the panaji call girl a monthly R&AW salary for FAKING domain ownership which she has used for purchasing many expensive items like a scooter costing Rs 60000, mobile phones of Rs 10000 repeatedly and the samsung refrigerator costing Rs 20000 or more, yet refuses to pay a single paisa for the domain names which she falsely claims to own to get a monthly government salary

The real domain investor would like to ask the indian and goan government,google, tata, ntro when their pet PROSTITUTE raw employee sunaina has plenty of money to purchase expensive items like the samsung refrigerator, why is she not purchasing domains legally? if the Goan bhandari R&AW employee CALL GIRL sunaina chodan is not interested in purchasing domains, why is indian, goan government not officially declaring that R&AW employe sunaina is only a PROSTITUTE offering sex services to government employees
when will the government stop CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the real domain investor who is paying all the domain expenses of approximately Rs 4 lakh a and does not have money for purchasing any expensive item, who is denied the right to equality.

When Kenya allows its citizens to work at home, why is India committing a BANKING FRAUD on its citizens

Kenya is a small country, yet the government has the honesty and humanity to acknowledge citizens who are doing writing work at home, unlike the indian government, which bribed by google, tata is openly involved in a major writing, FINANCIAL fraud on at least some indian citizens for the last 10 years, refusing to acknowledge the real writers, criminally defaming them, and falsely claiming that raw/cbi employees, who do no writing work, own the paypal, bank account of the writer

Writing work is very time consuming, the writer has very less time for other work, yet the indian government lacks the humanity and honesty to acknowledge the citizens who are doing the writing work, instead CRIMINALLY DEFAMING them, denying them a life of dignity. Income tax returns filed in 2019 will again expose the writing fraud of the indian government, yet no measures are implemented to end the writing fraud of the indian, state government, raw, cbi, ntro

indian, karnataka government, ntro, raw, cbi are promoting the bengaluru BRAHMIN raw employee nayanshree hathwar, who is only looking after her home and family, as a writing expert, falsely claiming that she receives paypal money from customers outside india, when she and her powerful relatives, SUGAR DADDIES are only FALSELY CLAIMING that she owns the BANK, paypal account of a single woman enginer, domain investor who is criminally defamed

Yet the income tax returns filed by bengaluru BRAHMIN raw employee nayanshree hathwar in 2019, like sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, riddhi nayak caro, veena, naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil have no paypal income at all, like the earlier income tax returns, yet the indian, karnataka government, ntro, raw, cbi are repeating the lies of ntro employees frauds mhow cheater puneet and j srinivasan, who HATE their btech 1993 ee classmate, so to CRIMINALLY DEFAME her and deny her the income and opportunities she deserves

These liar ntro employees are falsely claiming that the bengaluru BRAHMIN raw employee nayanshree hathwar, who is not doing any computer work, owns the paypal, bank account of their btech 1993 ee classmate who they hate, so that nayanshree gets a monthly raw salary without doing any work at all, and mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan, get career help from the powerful relatives, hathwar, kodancha of nayanshree, while their btech 1993 ee classmate works like a slave and is criminally defame as a idle person with no income by the LIAR indian government agencies

Anyone who can help end the writing fraud of ntro, raw, cbi should send an email to

Indian government is aware that it is difficult to get a COURT ORDER for TRADE SECRET ROBBERY, yet engineer memory is robbed for 10 years

Mhow monster was aware that getting a court order for TRADE SECRET ROBBERY was difficult so he FAKED his relationship with engineer he hated
India has a population of 1.3 billion, the indian government does not ROB the TRADE SECRETS of most citizens without a court order or legally valid reason.
It would be difficult for the indian and state government to get a a court order for TRADE SECRET ROBBERY of a harmless private citizen, single woman engineer since it causes her great financial losses and insomnia and is a form of discrimination
So the cunning and extremely cruel mhow monster puneet decided to FAKE his relation with the engineer, his btech 1993 ee classmate he HATED, so that he could misuse her name, falsely claim that the MEMORY ROBBERY was consensual
Even when mhow cheater puneet is finally agreeing that he HATED the engineer, the security and intelligence agencies especially in goa are repeating the LIES of mhow cheater who falsely claimed that the MEMORY ROBBERY was consensual to destroy the engineer’s life , reputation

Goa 1989 JEE topper denied the right to equality, IMPERSONATED by 10 fraud raw/cbi employees

Goa 1989 JEE topper denied the right to equality and in 2019 she is IMPERSONATED by 10 fraud raw/cbi employees who get a monthly raw/cbi salary without doing any work, without investing any money, only for impersonating the engineer, with the help of ROBBED MEMORY COPY PASTED on their brains by the ROBBER LIAR NTRO employees.

The goan media carried the news of the 2019 jee toppers from goa, yet few have the honesty, humanity and integrity to carry the news of how thirty years later, goa 1989 JEE topper fights goan,state and indian government identity theft fraud wasting more than Rs 4-5 crores of taxpayer money annually since 2010
the goa 1989 JEE topper is a harmless single woman engineer who is hated by many powerful men, especially her btech 1993 ee classmates from the college where she studied
Instead of being honest that they hated her, these men from the btech 1993 ee class led by mhow monster puneet, j srinivasan,vijay and others like, parmar, parekh, nikhil sha working the powerful ntro formulated a massive identity theft fraud on the engineer which the indian and at least 5 state governments refuse to end after 9 years
These fraud ntro employees had their liar fraud associates make completely fake allegations without any legally valid proof against the engineer and FAKING HELP , refused to provide any information to the engineer so that she could defend herself
Then in a clear case of government, NTRO fraud , these ntro employees started rewarding everyone making fake allegations against the engineer who they hated and also defamed the engineer further, repeating the LIES of their liar cheater associates.
Then pretending to know the engineer very well, these fraud ntro employees stole her identity to get all their call girl sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, school dropout gujju housewife naina chandan, cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, riddhi caro nayak, robber like indore housewife veena, deepika , fraud girlfriends like asmita patel permanent raw/cbi jobs with the STOLEN IDENTITY of the 1989 goa jee topper who they hated

The engineer can legally prove that the LIAR NTRO employees who HATE her have not interacted with her at all for more than 25 years, and are unlikely to do so in future since they consider her low status and she does not have their contact details. Hence they have no right to interfere in the engineers life, she is just a harmless private citizen

Yet in a massive goan, state and indian government fraud, the indian government continues to repeat the complete LIES of the LIAR FRAUD ROBBER ntro employees to pay all the SUGAR BABIES, girlfriends and relatives of the LIAR NTRO employees a monthly government salary at the expense of the engineer who is criminally defamed, especially in goa, and held a virtual prisoner with her correspondence robbed by the google, tata sponsored raw/cbi employees goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, riddhi caro nayak, who are impersonating her

The engineer is also denied the right to equality, the right to a life of dignity with the raw/cbi employees also falsely claiming to own her bank account to get a monthly raw/cbi salary without doing any work, without investing any money at all, while she works like a slave and is criminally defamed with the shameless liar fraud goan bhandari leaders, officials led by pritesh chodankar falsely claiming that the slim goan bhandari panaji PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan, his relative marketed by google, tata pimps has the resume, savings of the 1989 goa jee topper to get the call girl great powers at the expense of the engineer

More details of the identity theft of the 1989 goa jee topper and ntro banking fraud on her are available online, at ntro banking fraud

When domain investor does not rob memory of raw/cbi/ntro employees why are they ROBBING her memory for 9 years

India claims that all citizens are equal, so when domain investor does not rob memory of raw/cbi/ntro employees why are they ROBBING her memory for 9 years without a legally valid reason causing great losses to her

Led by the cruel fraud brahmin liar mhow cheater puneet, the ROBBER LIAR ntro employees have ruthlessly ROBBED the memory of a harmless private citizen, single woman engineer without a legally valid reason, without her permission, and without any compensation for the last 9 years since 2010

then the ROBBER LIAR ntro employees are gifting the stolen memory of the harmless single woman engineer to the goan call girls sunaina, siddhi mandrekar supplied to them for sex by google, tata and other lazy greedy goan call girls , fraud raw/cbi employees. the ntro employees are then falsely claiming that that ROBBED memory belongs to their favorite sex workers, frauds

The real memories of the google, tata sponsored lazy fraud raw/cbi employees will be completely different, for example goan bhandari raw employee sunaina, siddhi memories will be of enjoying and having sex with her boyfriends, veena, naina, riddhi, nayanshre’s real memories will be of housekeeping, cooking, looking after their families, it will not have any computer, internet related information

For acquiring computer, internet related information, some amount of time and a lot of money will have to be spent, which the raw/cbi employees are not willing to spend, yet they falsely claim that the ROBBED memory of the harmless single woman engineer, domain investor belong to them, in a clear example of GOVERNMENT ROBBERY in india

Goa government denies educated women their rights, defaming them, falsely giving LAZY LIAR gujju fraudsters nikhil, karan, credit, salary for work they do not do

India is one of the worst countries of educated women, with the percentage of women in the workforce declining according the statistics of the International Labor Organization (ILO), because allegedly bribed by fraud companies like google, tata, the indian and state government especially goan government refuses to acknowledge the work done by hardworking educated women and falsely claims that their bank account belongs to the lazy greedy sons nikhil,karan of gujju sex service provider cbi employee school dropout housewife naina chandan, because top ntro employees like parmar, parekh, nikhil sha are addicted to naina’s sex services

goa is the worst state in india for educated women engineers with the goan government refusing to acknoweledge the work done by educated hardworking women and falsely giving credit, a monthly cbi salary to the google, tata sponsored lazy greedy young gujju fraudsters nikhil, karan, whose school dropout mother cbi employee gujju sex service provider naina chandan, who looks like sneha wagh like raw employees sunaina, siddhi has regular SEX with top ntro, raw, cbi, security agency employees

bank details will legally prove that the google, tata sponsored lazy greedy young gujju fraudsters nikhil, karan, whose school dropout mother cbi employee gujju sex service provider naina chandan, who looks like sneha wagh like raw employees sunaina, siddhi do not invest any money online and also do not have any online income at all,.yet the top goan intelligence and security agency employees are some of the greatest LIARS AND FRAUDS in the world, making completely fake claims to get sex service providers like naina, her lazy fraud sons nikhil, karan, who do no work at all, credit and a monthly salary at the expense of the real paypal account holder

Supported by fraud companies like google, tata, these gujju and goan fraudsters have continued with their fraud for more than 9 years. Any help to end the fraud of shameless LIAR ntro, raw, cbi, tata, google employees will be greatly appreciated

Indian government refuses to acknowledge rights of women engineers, involved in major fraud on them

The fraud ntro employees like parmar, parekh, nikhil sha, j srinivasan, vijay are defaming the engineer making fake allegations without any legally valid proof and circulating manipulated PHOTOSHOPPED PHOTOS, videos of the woman and then stealing her identity to get their lazy greedy fraud friends and relatives raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of woman engineer.

There is major problem with the indian government, indicating the worsening status of educated hardworking women in India ,just because a fraud ntro, security agency employee is making fake allegations without any legally valid proof against a woman engineer her hates, and circulating PHOTOSHOPPED videos, photos of her, he is allowed to steal her identity and get any girlfriend of his a permanent raw/cbi jobs, in a major fraud of the indian government resulting in the waste of a huge amount of indian taxpayer money paying salaries to frauds with stolen resumes.

Just because some fraud makes fake allegations without proof and circulated PHOTOSHOPPED photos, videos, why does indian government expect experienced women engineers to tolerate resume, identity theft , why is the government not stopping the ntro employees from making photoshopped videos of private citizens

panaji cbi employee housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak ROBS correspondence, denying engineer her rights

The goan government claims that it wishes to attract investment to the state, yet it refuses to take action against their ROBBER employees like the google, tata sponsored lazy greedy goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak, who looks like actress kangana ranaut, who has been robbing the correspondence of the domain investor for more than 7 years without a legally valid reason

The cunning fraud mhow cheater puneet defamed the domain investor in the worst possible manner for more than 8 years since 2010, making completely fake allegations without any legally valid proof, refused to provide any kind of information to the domain investor, so that he could cheat and exploit the domain investor to the maximum extent possible and ROB her correspondence.

In 2019, it is clear that the mhow cheater puneet hates the domain investor, all his allegations were FAKE , yet he and his fraud associates like google, tata sponsored goan gsb fraud housewife riddhi nayak continue to ROB the domain investor without a legally valid reason , deny the domain investor her fundamental right to equality, the right to receive her correspondence which all indian citizens have

India has a population of 1. 3 billion, many domain investors, yet raw/cbi employees do not steal the correspondence of all people, and the domain investor., Yet in a massive fraud of the indian and state government, the faking help, fraud security and intelligence agency employees are ROBBING CORRESPONDENCE of the domain investor without a legally valid reason since 2010, causing great losses

The cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak makes it difficult to lead a normal life, the domain investor had hired the services of a detective, who sent a SIM card to the domain investor for getting information, however panaji cbi employee housewife ROBBER riddhi robbed the sim card sent by courier, and all the money paid to the detective was wasted,

Any way to end the ROBBERY of goan gsb fraud cbi employee housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak, who is addicted to robbing the correspondence of the domain investor will be appreciated

FAKE CHEATING ALLEGATIONS used by robber liar ntro employees to deny engineer her fiundamental rights

Fraud ntro employees led by mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan, parmar defaming domain investor, engineer and google competitor since 2010 are unable to provide any proof that their associates defaming the engineer, by accusing her of cheating, have interacted with the engineer any time in her life. yet the ntro employees are shameless ruthless liars and frauds, they continue to repeat the lies of their fraud associates, duping a large number

The engineer is asking the ntro employees like j srinivasan, parmar, puneet, vijay, patel to provide her with proof that she interacted with their associates who are accusing her, like the date and time, location, for more than 5 years, yet the ntro employees are unable to do so or intentionally refuse to do so. If they do not have any proof, the ntro employees should shut up because they are defaming the engineer and ruining the reputation of india in the process.

No one made fake allegations against engineer before and after NTRO employees FAKE HELP fraud started in 2011-2013, yet she is expected to tolerate the fraud for the rest of her life, The engineer can easily and legally prove that the ntro employees have not interacted with her directly in the last 25 years and are unlikely to interact in future also

yet why is goan government, NTRO falsely giving that lazy greedy goan bhandari R&AW employee prostitute sunaina chodan, who only provides SEX services, fraud cbi employee housewife riddhi caro, nayanshree hathwar, indore fraud veena , and others credit for the lack of cases, when actually the LIAR boyfriends of these fraud raw/cbi employees were the only ones making fake allegations without any proof at all against the engineer .

When these fraud boyfriends realized that they would have to directly deal with the engineer, that the ntro employees had ended their fake help fraud, they immediately stopped their fake allegations, since none of them had the courage, honesty and humanity to directly deal with the engineer. The experienced engineer would easily prove that she had not interacted with the liar ntro employees, their fraud associates, and file a counter case against them, so there no fake cases after the fake help fraud ended.

Most of the fake allegations were made by j srinivasan, parmar, patel vijay, and till date they do not have refused to provide any contact details or cheating details of their associates to the single woman engineer who they are defaming, falsely accusing of cheating. So why should the engineer tolerate the defamation and lies of the cheater liar ntro employees who are repeating the LIES of their fraud associates, yet refusing to ask their associates for any proof at all of their interaction with the engineer

the indian government is wasting resources monitoring the engineer who is a private citizen, only interested in leading a normal life like what she did before 2010, and whose savings are stolen without a court order by government employees. She will continue complaining till she is able to lead a normal life, since she is not a politician or government employee. Without complaining loudly the human rights abuses will never end

The engineer lived alone in mumbai for 21 years till 2010, she had no allegations of cheating and after 2014,for 5 years when the NTRO employees ended their fake help fraud, she has no cases at all, so just because fraud liar friends of ntro employees are making fake allegations without any proof and , why should the engineer tolerate their fraud, defamation and lies. The ntro employees are protecting their liar friends, refusing to provide details to the engineer so that she can defend herself, file a defamation case.

If the fraud ntro employees led by mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan,parmar had never interfered in the life of the engineer, had not faked help, had really wanted to help her, and allowed her to directly deal with their liar associates, she is 100% sure that she would never have any fake cases at all, so she never required their help in the first case

When it can be legally proved that the cheating allegations of the liar fraud friends of the ntro employees are 100% false, why the liar ROBBER ntro employees allowed to steal the savings, resume, correspondence and memory of the engineer for more than 9 years without a legally valid reason wasting crores of indian taxpayer money in the process.