Short ugly women engineers denied their fundamental rights in panaji, goa by liar security, intelligence employees

One of the reasons why there is a decline in the number of tourists in goa in the 2018-2019, is because the goan security agencies are some of the greatest liars, cheaters in the world, refusing to respect the fundamental rights of indian citizens which are guaranteed by the indian constitution, openly involved in a major real estate fraud without being questioned.

For example, just because engineer is ugly and not charming, fraud liar goan security and intelligence agencies agencies in panaji, falsely claim that google, tata sponsored microchipped gujju school dropout housewife naina who looks like actress sneha wagh ,goan call girls siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan, cheater housewives riddhi nayak, nayanshree, frauds like asmita patel, robbers like indore document robber housewife , who have not spent any money, have no legal papers, own her house in panaji, have her resume, savings , to get all these frauds raw/cbi jobs with monthly salary at the expense of the engineer

It is a clear case of discrimination, real estate and financial fraud on the engineer that so many google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees who never answered JEE are falsely claiming to own the house, bank accounts, assets and have the resume to get a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the engineer

Unlike other women fliers, only google competitor asked to remove keys, coins repeatedly at airport security check in clear case of harassment

Only in some airports, the domain investor is asked to remove her keys, coins from her purse when she is passing through airports in Mumbai, indicating a high level bribery deal with security agencies allegedly bribed by Google,tata sponsored Indore document ROBBER R&AW bespectacled housewife veena and other google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree

The shameless greedy fraud Google,tata sponsored Indore document ROBBER R&AW bespectacled housewife veena who looks like actress deepika padukone had married in 2000 to a eigth standard pass fraud and relocated to indore, like the 10 google, tata sponsored raw/cbi employees faking domain ownership including nayanshree hathwar, had not invested a single rupee in domains and is least interested in doing so. However with the help of fraud companies like google, tata and fraud ntro employees like mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan, she is falsely claiming to own domains of the domain investor who she robbed to get a monthly government salary.

At the airport there are many women passing through, almost no one is asked to empty their purse of coins, keys , clearly indicating that only the domain investor is being targetted repeatedly in the last few years . The other women are asked to remove their jewelry, everyone has coins in their purse and have the keys to some house. It results in a major wastage of time of the person whose keys, coins have to be removed, since the security person will take atleast 15 minutes to again check the purse and give it back. The person then has to place the coins and keys back in the purse.

This is third or fourth time, the keys, coins have to be removed at Mumbai, Nagpur airport. At goa airport, the domain investor is never asked to remove her keys, coins from the same purse, the security is busy checking people’s purses for alcohol, indicating that someone very powerful has asked that the domain investor be harassed in Maharashtra.

Harmless single woman engineer, google competitor, denied the rights which criminals, security threats in India have t

Google is ruthless in destroying competition, and a single woman engineer, finds that she is being denied the rights which even convicted criminals, known security threats have in India, since ntro is ROBBING her memory without a legally valid reason, since 2010, so that fraud companies like google, tata can get access to the stolen memory for free, without paying any business expenses.

India has a population of more than 1.3 billion, and almost no one in India is subjected to memory robbery by ntro other than the domain investor, engineer owning this domain. Officially the liar hypocrite cruel ntro employees are claiming that they are doing this for national security, however they have not found any proof at all for the last 9 years, yet they continue with their terrible human rights abuses on the single woman engineer without a legally valid reason.

There are many criminals who have committed terrible crimes, individuals who are a far greater security threat, are actually involved in violence, however ntro does not ROB their memory without a legally valid reason, only the memory of the harmless engineer is stolen for the last 9 years without a legally valid reason. Even if any criminal is subjected to narco testing or lie detector test, the police have to take court permission, however only the engineers MEMORY IS ROBBED by NTRO employees to enjoy free sex with google, tata supplied call girls , get money bribes from naina, veena and raw/cbi jobs with salary for their lazy greedy relatives like nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak without doing any work, without investing any money td

There are many other male domain investors in india, with more domains, more valuable domains, ntro does not steal the memory of the domain investor,why is the engineer only targetted for these atrocities in the last 9 years. These cruel insensitive ntro employees are also broadcasting the memory which they have stolen worldwide also making it impossible for the engineer to lead a normal life for the last 9 years. For example, almost everyone has friends, people will approach them for help and knowledge, however when ntro employees are stealing and broadcasting all the information which the engineer has for free, why will anyone approach the engineer

Initially in 2010, the great brahmin conman, mhow cheater ntro employee puneet managed to get away with his fraud, of faking his relationship with the engineer, falsely claiming that she had agreed to the memory robbery, however in 2016 onwards, it is clear that the mhow cheater ntro employee puneet hated the engineer, and was stealing and broadcasting her memory only to destroy her life, reputation and finances
In 2019, the relationship fraud of all the ntro employees is exposed, all of them hate her, so the MEMORY ROBBERY should end immediately, she should be allowed to lead a normal life like the 1.3 billion without her memory being stolen and broadcast to strangers without a legally valid reason , denying her the right to privacy , else she will continue to complain about human rights abuses.

Hypocrite LIAR ntro employees only circulating photos, videos of private citizens, not of raw/cbi employees commiting crimes

Kissing and hugging while riding on a scooter is violating traffic rules since the driver will be distracted,. The fraud liar hypocrite ntro employee j srinivasan, is circulating photos, videos of the domain investor since 2010 without a legally valid reason, to justify her identity theft, however he is protecting his favorite goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan (who NTRO falsely claims owns this website), who is non stop kissing, hugging on a scooter, refusing to circulate videos showing off her sex drive.

Some of the greatest FRAUDS and liars in india are the fraud NTRO employees parekh, parmar, puneet , j srinivasan who specialize in stealing the identity of harmless hardworking single women engineers without a legally valid reason, only by circulating defamatory videos, photos, having their shameless fraud associates make fake allegations without any proof against the engineer and protecting their liar associates by refusing to provide any details of these liars to the engineer.

The engineer is a private citizen, india has a population of 1.3 billion, the indian and state governments are not wasting taxpayer money to circulate photos, videos of all these citizens,so why is the harmless single woman engineer being single out, can the ntro employees explain in an open debate. The defamatory videos are then used by the cunning liar ntro employees to defend their endless financial frauds, atrocities on the harmless single woman engineer.

These fraud ntro employees have got all their lazy greedy inexperienced girlfriends raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of the engineer, however despite these frauds being government employees , the ntro employees have refused to put their girlfriends under surveillance. If these hypocrite liar ntro employees would put their girlfriends under surveillance, they would find plenty of instances when their girlfriends like cbi employee naina, her sons nikhil, karan, sunaina are violate traffic rules, trespassing, robbing flowers and other items, littering public places.

The domain investor has limited resources, still she has plenty of examples of the raw/cbi employees committing crimes, breaking the law. So the domain investor would like to ask powerful fraud NTRO employees parekh, parmar, puneet why they are not circulating photos, videos of their PREMIKA school dropout cbi employee gujju housewife naina who looks like actress sneha wagh, robbing flowers, littering, trespassing, sunaina hugging and kissing her boyfriend while riding pillion on a scooter when these women are government employees.

Most gujju families are treating educated women badly, refuse to acknowledge their hard work and experience

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Many of the problems which are documented in the network of websites would not occur, if gujjus like parmar, patel, parekh, were bought up to treat educated women with respect . Most gujju families are treating educated women badly, refuse to acknowledge their hard work and experience and are making up completely fake stories to defame a hardworking honest single woman engineer, destroying her life and wasting indian taxpayer money

Greedy shameless gujju fraudsters parekh, parmar do not have the grace, honesty and humanity to acknowledge the hard work and experience of single woman engineer, domain investor instead for more than 9 years they have wasted more than Rs 30 crore of indian taxpayer money trying to frame the engineer, so that they can steal her hard earned money, resume, and force her to agree to identity theft

Due to the endless harassment and defamation by the gujju crooks parmar, parekh since 2010, the engineer is living in multiple houses and she has noticed that when she enters her house which is used for bank purposes, paypal acccount, either the gujju school dropout cbi employee housewife naina who looks like actress sneha wagh, or her sons nikhil, karan are closely monitoring her activities

Usually when the engineer enters the house, karan will go to some place in the vicinity on a scooter and inform them and when she leaves the house, she is also noticing that karan, nikhil or naina are watching her leave the house. They have not found any evidence at all for more than 9 years, and instead of having the grace and humanity to accept the fact that the experienced engineer has worked hard for her resume, savings the greedy shameless vicious gujju fraudsters continue to try to frame, the experienced engineer

Goan, indian government refuses to acknowledge the writing work of engineer in clear case of discrimination

Few can match the goan government in pampering, promoting and rewarding lazy greedy prostitutes offering SEX services to government employees with the help of google, tata employees who are pimps for these goan prostitutes and have got the sex workers raw jobs with the stolen identity of experienced engineers

In a clear case of discrimination , Just because a hardworking single woman bhandari engineer is short, the corrupt fraud goan government refuses to acknowledge the writing and other work she is doing ande falsely claims that the lazy greedy goan bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE slim sunaina chodan only interested in offering SEX services to government employees, does writing work to give the VVIP panaji prostitute great powers, monthly government salary

the engineer would have no objection if the goan, indian government, raw, cbi, ntro are honest that goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan is only a sex worker, and the indian government is paying her a salary for having sex with government employees. However for 8 years goan, indian government, raw, cbi, ntro are repeating the lies of tata employees that their favorite sex service provider, a lazy fraud is doing work online and asking the panaji prostitute to repeatedly criminally trespass on the house of the engineer in la campala colony, panaji, goa in a major real estate, banking, paypal fraud

Other countries believe that NTRO memory theft victim should be compensated unlike google, tata, raw,. cbi employees, goan government

Led by the cruel fraud animal like mhow cheater puneet who faked his relationship to justify the memory ROBBERY of a harmless single woman engineer, his betch 1993 ee classmate, the memory ROBBER ntro employees think that stealing the memory of the engineer, a private citizen, is their birthright, she does not have to be paid any compensation for the memory NTRO is stealing.

However other countries are slowly realizing that the inhuman cruel indian government, ntro is involved in human rights abuses ROBBING the memory of a private citizen without any legally valid reason, without any compensation, for more than 8 years, so they are taking pity on the engineer and offering some paid work unlike the robber ntro employees who are ruthless in blocking orders and payment. They realize that the cruel fraud ntro employees have shared the stolen memory of a private citizen without any compensation to her.

However the ntro employees are so upset that the domain investor, engineer whose memory they have robbed for more than 8 years without paying her anything is getting paid by someone, that they disabled the BSNL SIM card she was using on November 16, 2018 in goa

On November 17, 2018, the engineer was again subjected to memory robbery in panaji, goa causing insomnia

Everyone who is hardworking and skilled makes money, only when engineer makes money,she is falsely labelled a security threat

In a clear case of discrimination and abuse of power by indian security and intelligence agencies, everyone else in India, who is hardworking and skilled makes money, only when engineer, domain investor makes money,she is falsely labelled a security threat without any proof at all by the corrupt indian security and intelligence agencies freelancing for google, tata to defame, cheat, exploit her, deny her fundamental rights.

In one of the greatest frauds in India, NTRO employees are falsely associating their favorite prostitutes, girlfriends and relatives with the engineer, to get all of them raw/cbi jobs with monthly salary without doing any work at all when there is no connection at all

Can the well paid intelligence and security agencies explain in an open debate why only the engineer is falsely labelled a security threat for making some money, when everyone else is allowed to enjoy their hard earned money peacefully

Dishonest cowardly bhandari leaders officials like naik, pritesh chodankar deny bhandari investors, writers, the right to equality

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While the bhandari domain investor owning this website expects cheating, defamation and exploitation by the shameless greedy fraud goan gsb, shivalli brahmin officials like hathwar, kodancha, nayak, caro, mandrekar, she is shocked at the dishonesty and cowardice of the fraud bhandari leaders and officials especially in goa, karnataka who refuse to question and end the fraud of shameless section 420 fraud liar google, tata, security agencies cheating, exploitation, defamation of bhandari investors and writers

Worldwide investors and writers are working from home, they are not falsely labelled a security threat anywhere in the world and india is the sole exception with its extremely corrupt shameless fraud intelligence and security agencies, fraud companies like google, tata which are without any corporate ethics at all. Only if the work requires direct interaction with the client, a shop or office is required.

However since 2010, google, tata have bribed the indian intelligence and security agencies all over the country, to falsely label harmless indian paypal account holders, who are trading in domains, or writing at home, as a security threat without any legally valid proof, to defame, cheat and exploit them for the rest of their life , and use them to supply call girls, get jobs for relatives of officials, and money bribes.Many government employees also invest and write from home, no one is harassing, exploiting them, then can the indian and goan government explain in an open debate why the indian paypal account holders are being subjected to banking fraud since 2010.

If the cowardly section 420 fraud google, tata, security agencies have the honesty and humanity to face the domain investor, and label her a security threat, she can provide proof of investors who are spending 4-5 hours online daily, working at home, making more money and are not labelled a security threat without any proof for more than 8 years. Most of the high profile indian authors who have written best sellers, like chetan bhagat are writing their books at home, no one is falsely labelling them a security threat without any proof at all.

The bhandari government officials and leaders like pritesh chodankar, naik show their lack of honesty and integrity when they refuse to question the fraud of the security agencies who are falsely labelling bhandari investors and writers as a security threat without any proof, just because they work at home, so that the security agencies can enjoy lifetime FREE SEX with google , tata supplied goan bhandari R&AW employee panaji PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc and get bribes from other frauds like indore document robber R&AW employee bespectacled housewife veena, who looks like actress deepika padukone

Kindly note that the content of the advertisement is not checked, since the advertisements on the website network are often placed automatically. If anyone objects to the content of the ad, kindly revert, the request will be reviewed, and suitable action will be taken. Please note that registries, webhosting companies are not providing free domains,free webhosting. The websites have almost no human visitors according to awstats

Why is the government wasting $5 million annually to block payment, steal orders of google competitor alone?

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In a clear example of corruption and poor governance, to force hardworking innovative google competitor to work for a low salary, indian government has wasted $5 million of taxpayer money annually since 2010 .
The corrupt officials like hathwar, kodancha, caro, mandrekar, nayak, pritesh chodankar freelancing from google, tata are bribed with money, sex, jobs for their relatives with the stolen identity of the google competitor, are stealing all the leads and orders of the google competitor, blocking her payment, to keep her revenues low and force her to take up a job at a very low salary. The fraud officials have leaked the financial information of the google competitor, and are telling all the companies that she will be very happy to work at the low salary.

However the google competitor was effectively making more than Rs 30,000 as a salary in 2001, and salaries have greatly increased since then, just because google, tata have bribed hathwar, kodancha, caro, mandrekar, nayak, pritesh chodankar with jobs for their lazy greedy mediocre fraud relatives like nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak, siddhi mandrekar, sunaina chodan, with the stolen identity of the google competitor to steal all orders, block all payment wasting $5 million of indian taxpayer money, the revenues of the google competitor are very low since 2013 in a clear case of discrimination

There are many small business owners in India, writers working from home, the indian government does not waste $5 million in taxpayer money annually since 2010 to reduce their income to zero . The google competitor has been specifically targetted to force her to take up a job and she will only work at a fair salary, since she has a lot of experience, which the fraud google, tata employees are refusing to acknowledge as part of the google, tata, PROSTITUTION, BRIBERY RACKET

Whatever small orders as a small business owner, she will get, the google competitor is willing to take, indicating the widespread rot in intelligence and security agencies who are ruthless in causing losses to small business owners, exporters if bribed by google, tata