Open discrimination against the google competitor in website approval

As long as the google competitor kept quiet and allowed the fraud ntro employees to falsely claim that their girlfriends, relatives were writing content, the websites were approved by a particular network.

However after 8 years of being defamed, cheated, exploited by the google,tata, ntro employees, the google competitor is complaining loudly about the banking fraud she is subjected to, so now the powerful liar officials realize that they can no longer falsely claim that their relatives, girlfriends were writing content, owned the websites where disclaimers were posted.

So earlier, the websites of the google competitor were being approved without any problem, now at least one website was not approved falsely claiming that it had spun content, when it only contained hotel listings

This clearly shows the discrimination, when the google competitor will claim to do anything, it will be rejected, and if the google,tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree, will falsely claim to do the same work, it will automatically be approved.

It company, government employees free to write at home, not indian paypal account holders in a clear case of discrimination

Many of the popular writers of indian books like Ravinder Singh (Infosys employee) , Ajay Pandey (Cognizant employee) are employees of IT companies. They are obviously not writing their best selling books in office , they are writing their books at home, in the evening, on holidays

However in a clear case of discrimination, NTRO is not monitoring these writers who are writing their best selling books at home and making a lot of money, they are only monitoring indian paypal account holders falsely claiming that they are using commercial electricity at home, when actually fraud companies like google,tata will do anything to acquire talent and technology cheaply or free.

The IT company employees are getting a very good salary , yet they do not hire a office for writing their best selling books, they are writing from home.On the other hand, most indian paypal account holders are making very less money, as their orders, payment are blocked repeatedly, yet the ntro, security and intelligence agency employees are hounding them, falsely claiming that they are committing great a crime writing at home, when every one else also writes at home without being harassed.

NTRO, goan and indian government refuse to acknowledge the time spent by google competitor to pay for domain names

In a clear case of discrimination, NTRO, R&AW,cbi goan and indian government refuse to acknowledge the time spent by google competitor to make money to pay for domain names, instead falsely claiming that lazy greedy google,tata supplied goan prostitutes sunaina, siddhi supplied for sex , cheater housewives like nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak,veena and other google , tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend any time and money online, are domain investors, website owners, paypal account holders to pay all these frauds a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the domain investor

Registrars do not provide domain names for free, annual expenses have to be paid, yet ntro is involved in a major banking fraud, worse than that of nirav modi, and falsely claim that lazy greedy google,tata supplied goan prostitutes sunaina, siddhi supplied for sex , cheater housewives like nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak,veena and other google , tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend any time and money online, own the bank account the domain investor

Google, tata have masterminded one of the greatest SEX, bribery rackets, financial, banking frauds in indian history, bribing the NTRO employees to abuse their great powers and falsely claim that lazy greedy google,tata supplied goan prostitutes sunaina, siddhi supplied for sex , cheater housewives like nayanshree hathwar, riddhi nayak,veena and other google , tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend any time and money online, are domain investors, website owners, paypal account holders to pay all these frauds a monthly raw/cbi salary at the expense of the domain investor

In a clear example of discrimination and fraud , Indian, goan government, R&AW, cbi, NTRO refuse to acknowledge the fact that google competitor writes at least 3000-4000 words daily, spending a lot of her time, so that she has money to renew her domain names,

Most writers are taking at least 5-6 hours to write 3000-4000 words daily, yet the goan, and indian government refuses to acknowledge the time she is spending, falsely associating goan sex workers, cheater housewives and other google,tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees with the domain investor, to defame her, to deny her the income and oportunities she deserved.

If the domain investor is complaining about the financial fraud, the relatives and friends of the google,tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees are falsely labelling her a security threat to further harass her.

In goa, a convicted murderer makes more money than an experienced engineer with a better JEE rank than google ceo sundar pichai

Goa has the most corrupt dishonest fraud intelligence and security agency employees in India who are openly involved in real estate fraud, taking bribes and falsely claim that google, tata supplied goan prostitute R&AW employees offering them sex services, sunaina chodan, cheater housewives and other frauds, who have not paid any money towards the house , own the home of a single woman engineer, googke competitor and domain investor to get all these frauds R&AW/cbi jobs at the expense of the engineer

Tthe property records are in the name of the engineer, yet the top goan officials like pritesh chodankar, nayak, caro, mandrekar are shameless frauds, cheaters and liars , so they have continued with their real estate fraud since 2010 to get their relatives and friends raw/cbi jobs at the expense of the engineer.,

Herald carried the story of a convicted murder in jail Rohan Pai Dhungat who was making good money selling painting, however the engineer who is subjected to identity theft in goa , finds that the fraud goan officials like caro, mandrekar, nayak, pritesh chodankar, hathwar, kodancha are so ruthless in blocking her payment , that she is unable to make any money from customers in India, almost all her payment is blocked by these corrupt government employees who are defaming her without any proof, so that their identity theft racket is not exposed.

Indian government fraud victim has the right to justice

If you are not interested in dirty cam , then you have already missed a lot.

Though the goa government may not like the news of goan prostitute R&AW employees being published, the engineer whose identity has been stolen by the google, tata sponsored goan prostitutes,frauds she has the right to justice, to equality as a citizen

So the engineer will continue to complain till her correspondence is not diverted and stolen by the sex workers, frauds, they do not stop criminally trespassing the house, falsely claiming to own her house, and harassing her, falsely claiming to own her domains, websites, bank, paypal account.

If she is not telling the truth, NTRO employees are free to defend themselves in an open debate , however the cheaters like puneet will never be able to defend on what basis he falsely claimed nayanshree hathwar, siddhi mandrekar, sunaina and others who never answered JEE, were their btech 1993 ee classmates

NTRO falsely claims that offering sex service, bribes to its employees makes a woman an exporter, paypal account holder

In a clear indication that google, tata have converted ntro into the the national sex research organization, in 2018, NTRO led by j srinivasan , puneet, vijay, parmar falsely claims that offering sex service, bribes to its employees makes a woman an exporter, paypal account holder, she does not have to make a single paisa from exports or actually have a paypal account.,

The powerful liar cheater ntro employees will falsely claim that their favorite google, tata supplied goan prostitutes bhandari slim sunaina chodan, gsb fraud siddhi mandrekar offering sex services, indore document robber housewife veena . riddhi nayak, nayanshree hathwar and other raw/cbi employees who have not invested any money online and who have not opened a paypal account anytime, own the paypal, bank account of a private citizen, google competitor, to deny the real paypal account holder the income and opportunities she deserved.

This ntro financial, banking fraud, sex, bribery racket, can be easily proved checking bank, income tax records , yet the indian government refuses to end the fraud which started in 2010, and continues till date, forcing the real paypal account holder to expose the racket and fraud

Solving the Problem of Not Enough Maintenance Employees

I work for a fairly large apartment complex in the maintenance department. For some reason we have a lot of turnover with employees. They just don’t seem to work very hard as this is a rigorous job that demands a full day of work often with overtime. With the low number of the maintenance staff, we just can’t seem to get to everything that needs to be done. We have to prioritize service calls and often do not have time for the landscaping part of the job. Hiring a Nassau County tree pruning company would most certainly lighten the burden that we carry around every day.

I mentioned this to my immediate supervisor and he completely agreed with me.

Continue reading “Solving the Problem of Not Enough Maintenance Employees”

No equality for indian citizens who are victims of identity theft

India officially claims to be democracy where all citizens are equal, have the right to justice however the fact is that fraud companies in the IT sector, google, tata are openly and brazenly involved in identity theft of harmless hardworking engineerss from top colleges so that they supply sex workers, get bribes, jobs for relatives of top indian intelligence and security agency employees, control these powerful government employees who are bribed

The main aim of posting answers on quora is to get a reaction, mainly from the all powerful indian intelligence and security agencies who cannot be held accountable by ordinary indian citizens in any way for their endless frauds and lies
It does not matter if it is a negative reaction, any reaction is a very great achievement for the google competitor impersonated by 10 lazy greedy google, tata sponsored goan sex workers, cheater housewives and other fraud raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree

In december 2017, a person closely associated with R&AW posted a comment, confirming that the goan sex workers were hired mainly for honey trapping, sex
In may 2018, in another very great achievement for the google competitor, Krishna Srini, who appears to be closely associated with te indian intelligence agencies/google/tata posted the comment that there are many other identity theft victims in India , so she should quietly tolerate it.
However the other identity theft victims must have been compensated in some way for the identity theft so they are keeping quiet, while the google competitor has not been compensated in any way for the resume theft, atrocities committed on her.

Since her career and savings were the only important things in the life of the engineer, domain investor, she will never accept the fraud of the indian intelligence and security agencies so that all citizens, especially hardworking harmless engineers from top colleges are aware of how the indian government agencies are operating, the lack of accountability, corruption, nepotism and do not ruin their lives like her for making the mistake of trusting the systems in India

If the indian intelligence and security agencies wish to end the news being posted on quora which reflect poorly on the rights of citizens in India, they should immediately return the hard earned money of the engineer to her without asking any question

The Open Road is a Fun One

When I was a baby my parents would take me for a ride to get me to sleep. For many years when I was driving I used to get so tired on long distance trips and I could not think of why, then I realized that the moving of the car was soothing to me. It must have happened to me when I was a baby and my parents used to take me on trips. I looked to United truck driving school so that I could see if they could help me break the driving habits so I could stay awake at the wheel. I wanted to learn how to drive a large truck because I know that they make really good money, I have a friend that leaves his family for five days per week and they only have one income. The fact that they only have one income and more cash to spend than I do tells me that they must be doing pretty well.

I like to see things and meet new people and I think that by driving a tractor trailer, that it would be a perfect blend of the two. I want to be able to just get in my truck in the morning and drive so that I could feel the wind in my hair with the windows down, out on the open road. I know that it is very dangerous to drive such a large truck in a lot of traffic, but it would be good for me to get used to driving during the day as I would be home at night, or I would pull my truck over to the side and I would be able to sleep for a few hours. I know it won’t be easy but I cannot wait to start my new career.

Why are fraud ntro employees falsely associating lazy goan sex worker, fraud raw/cbi employees with hard working google competitor

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It is almost universally agreed that many young people who prefer to remain in Goa after graduation are not very hard working , want a government job . So businesses find it very difficult to find suitable staff in goa and go to other states

Yet in one of the greatest frauds of google, tata, ntro, the fraud ntro employees led by j srinivasan, falsely associating lazy goan sex worker sunaina, siddhi, fraud riddhi nayak, naina, and other raw/cbi employees who are least interested in doing any work online, with hard working google competitor to deny the google competitor the income and opportunities she deserved

When many other business in goa are openly stating to the goan government that young goans are not willing to work hard, why is ntro, raw, cbi falsely claiming that their sex worker, cheater housewife employees who have no connection , are associated with the google competitor, to deny the google competitor the income and opportunities she deserved

Why is ntro,raw, cbi, indian and goan government not willing to acknowledge the fact that the google competitor is working hard and the indian government is paying a salary to lazy greedy google, tata supplied goan call girl fraud raw/cbi employees for their SEX services, stealing correspondence, extortion activities, not for online work